for you
by Jerry Dirmann
Financial Blessing - A New Online Series
God knows the needs of His people. Recent events, such as COVID, have not only been a threat to our health, but also to our finances. Pastor Jerry likens the financial affliction many believers face today to the bondage the Israelites faced under Egypt's oppression. But, God is a good God. Pastor Jerry shows in scripture God's promise to deliver His people and to bless them in ways that separate them from people who are not looking to God to be their provider. Don't miss this prophetic word from the Lord inviting His people to ask Him for financial blessing.
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The New Testament Daily (with Jerry Dirmann)
Dive into the Bible with Jerry as he reads through a chapter of the New Testament every day. While he reads, Jerry will give helpful insights and context to these passages, so you can not only understand what was happening then, but see how you can apply these scriptures to your life today. Join us as we journey through The New Testament Daily with Jerry Dirmann.