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group studies

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Jesus' Commission

When Jesus gave us the “Great Commission” to make disciples, it wasn’t just a good idea, it was a calling for each of us to follow. But HOW do you make disciples? And what if you’re not really an “evangelist?”

Journey into this 12-session study with a group to dig into, discuss, and be challenged as God grows YOU into a disciple-maker.


Discover how to be the disciple-maker that Jesus called each of us to be.

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Jesus' Gifts

Jesus gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers to the Church, but what does that have to do with you?

This six-week group study explains how each person in your group can use their God-given gifts and how to work together.

Jesus' Church

What did Jesus mean when He declared that He would build His church? And how can we become that Church today?

This eight-week group study will revolutionize your thinking and take you –and your friends– confidently into Jesus’ plan for His Church.

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Find out the many reasons why
your group should become a house church!

need supplemental studies for your group?

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